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Revision as of 15:07, 27 November 2024 by Wf (talk | contribs) (modified by py-yprinciple-gen 0.3.4)
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Location pin icon.pngLocLocLocationsA location in a trip or tour


A location in a trip or tour

Example Locations

10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 4220975, 4220975, 4220975, 4220975, 4220975, 4220975, Andoain, Mapstest, Mapstest, Mapstest, Mapstest, Mapstest, Nancy2025-03, Nancy2025-03, Nancy2025-03, Nancy2025-03, Nancy2025-03, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662... further results


Loc addressphysical address of the locationTypes/Textaddressaddressfalsefalse
Loc categorycategory of the locationTypes/Textcategorycategoryfalsefalse
Loc fromStarting location of this legTypes/TextfromFrom Loc idtruefalse
Loc idid of the locationTypes/Textididtruefalse
Loc latlonlatitude and longitude coordinatesTypes/Geographic coordinateslatlonlatlonfalsefalse
Loc namename of the locationTypes/Textnamenamefalsefalse
Loc notesnotes or description of the locationTypes/Textnotesnotesfalsefalse
Loc toEnding location of this legTypes/TexttoTo Loc idtruefalse
Loc typetype or category of the location (e.g., station,airport,bus stop,hotel,restaurant,POI,museum)Types/Texttypetypefalsefalse
Loc urlURL of the location for additional reference or bookingTypes/URLurlurlfalsefalse


see also