Porretta Terme

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date  2019/04/06
target  Lucca→Lucca
weather  Montese
location  Porretta Terme
coordinates  44°09'24.9"N,10°58'32.5"E
trip  Tuscany2019→Tuscany2019
track  https://www.bikemap.net/de/r/4831826/
stay  http://www.termehelvetia.it/en/spa/terme-helvetia-spa/


Porretta Terme is a charming village amid the Apennines, on the edge between the Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany regions.

Sunday morning after brakfast we leave the hotel Terme Helvetia in Porretta Terme

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Lunch into Ristorante Albergo Melini - Di Bertini Lorenza; ViaNazionale 78 - Pracchia

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From Pracchia we take the train to Pistoia.

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Pistoia, a city in Tuscany.

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It is raining, so we go inside McCafe in Montecatini Terme.

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From Pistoia to Lucca.


Lucca, a city wall around the old city center.

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Lucca - Sunday evening.

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Our stay Pagine/agriturismo near Lucca:

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