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Element into input.pngPropertyPropertyPropertiesa Property is a Feature/Attribute of a Topic



Example Properties

Action actionpage, Action author, Action comment, Action engine, Action input, Action inputtype, Action name, Action output, Action service, Action servicetype, Action since, Context copyright, Context demo, Context master, Context name, Context since, Context updated, Fixme done, Fixme todo, Leg from, Leg to, Leg transport, Leg wp num, Loc address, Loc category, Loc from, Loc id, Loc latlon, Loc name, Loc notes, Loc to, Loc type, Loc url, Property allowedValues, Property defaultValue, Property documentation, Property externalFormatterURI, Property index, Property inputType, Property isLink, Property label, Property mandatory, Property name, Property namespace, Property nullable, Property primaryKey, Property scope, Property showInGrid, Property size, Property sortPos... further results


Property allowedValuesThere are two ways to specified allowed Values:
    Use Property:Allows_value to see which values are allowed for certain properties
    values=possible values - Specifies a set of either possible values or autocompletion values (depending on the input type) that this field can have, overriding whatever set of values may have been set from the Semantic MediaWiki property. This set of values is separated by commas by default, but the delimiter can be modified using the delimiter= parameter.
If you specify any values method number 2 will be used here which might override any allowed Values specified with method number 1.
Property defaultValuedefault value - Specifies a default value for this field. For date-related fields, default=now will set the value to the current date and possibly time. For text fields, default=current user will set the value to the username of the user adding this page. For the checkbox input type, default=yes will check the checkbox by default. (The 'checkboxes' input type, on the other hand, like the 'listbox' type, requires specifying the actual values, like default=Value A, Value C.) You can also include templates, parser functions, and magic words within the 'default=' value. see (default)Types/CodedefaultValuedefaultfalsefalse
Property documentationThe documentation for a propertyTypes/Textdocumentationdocumentationfalsefalse
Property externalFormatterURIsee
When using this property the type of the property should be set to automatically by the generator
Types/TextexternalFormatterURIexternal formatter URIfalsefalse
Property indexA positive number that specifies at which position of a Topic the given property should show. The first property to show has the index 1 each following property has an index that is +1 of the previous.Types/Numberindexindexfalsefalse
Property inputTypesee Types/TextinputTypeinputTypetext, combobox, dropdown, textarea, tree, datetime, datepicker, timepicker, datetimepicker, menuselect,two listboxes, datecheck, regexp, radiobutton, googlemapsfalsefalse
Property isLinktrue if this Property is derived form a Link. It will not be exported to SiDIF separately and automatically be added by the Property GeneratorTypes/BooleanisLinkisLinkfalsefalse
Property labelThe label to be shown when in a formTypes/Textlabellabelfalsefalse
Property mandatorySpecifies that this field must be filled in by the user. Note: mandatory should not be used in conjunction with hidden. Use of both in any field will cause the mandatory check on any field to fail when the form is saved. see
Property nameThe name of the propertyTypes/Textnamenametruefalse
Property namespacenamespace prefixTypes/Textnamespacenamespacefalsefalse
Property nullableshould nullvalues be allowed and value set to NULL when empty?Types/Booleannullableallow nulls?falsefalse
Property primaryKeyis this property a primary key of it's topic?Types/BooleanprimaryKeyprimary keyfalsefalse
Property scopeThe scope of the propertyTypes/TextscopescopeRoot,Override,Globaltruefalse
Property showInGridI am true if this property is displayed in the default list of properties for my topic as a columnTypes/BooleanshowInGridshowInGridfalsefalse
Property sizethe display size of the field for the propertyTypes/Numbersizesizefalsefalse
Property sortPosIf none empty >0 this is the position in the sort clause of this

property. This is used when displaying list of the topic as the default sort order and it is used for selecting topics .


Sortpos 1 for attribute lastname and sortpos 2 for attribute firstname leads to sort by lastname,firstname
Property topictopicTypes/Pagetopictopic
Property typeThe type of a PropertyTypes/Pagetypetypefalsefalse
Property uploadableSpecifies that a link should be placed next to this field, that opens a popup window to let the user upload a file; see 'Uploading files', below. See The type of the target property needs to be Page for this to workTypes/Booleanuploadableuploadablefalsefalse
Property values fromSpecifies where to get the possible values to be displayed in a form from see

  • values from property=property name - Similar to values=, but gets its values from the the set of all values that a certain SMW property points to.
  • values from category=category name - Similar to values=, but gets its values from the names of all pages belonging to a specific category.
  • values from concept=concept name - Similar to values=, but gets its values from the names of all pages belonging to a specific concept.
  • values from namespace=namespace name - Similar to values=, but gets its values from the names of all pages belonging to a specific namespace. (To get values from the main namespace, use 'Main' for the namespace name, or just leave it blank.)
  • values from url=URL identifier - Used only for autocompletion. Specifies that autocompletion should be based on the values retrieved from an outside URL; see Autocompleting on outside values for how to do this.
  • values from external data=variable name - Used for autocompletion. You need to have theExternal Data extension installed to be able to use this parameter. It specifies that autocompletion should be based on the data retrieved from an outside source. A large number of data sources are supported, including web APIs, regular wiki pages, files on the local server, databases and LDAP directories. See Autocompletion using External Data.
Types/Codevalues_fromvalues fromfalsefalse


see also

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