
From BITPlan E-Bike Wiki
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date  2019-07-16
target  Bembridge→Bembridge
location  Brockenhurst
coordinates  50° 49′ 12″ N, 1° 34′ 48″ W
trip  GB2019→GB2019
distance  80 km


We use the train to Brockenhurst

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In Brockenhurst leave the train for a bike tour to Lymington Pier

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Than we take the ferry from Lymington to Yarmouth on the Isle of Wight

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Isle of Wight

our bike tour over the Isle of Wight

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Break for recharing the bike batteries at Hotel/Restaurant MousehouseInn in Chale

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The garden of the Wight Mouse Inn and the view from the garden of the Wight Mouse Inn

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After lunch and a long brake in the garden of the Wight Mouse Inn we have complete our bike tour to our overnight stay in Bembridge.

In the village Bembridge is our stay. On this picture you see the habour of Bembridge.

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