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Revision as of 14:59, 27 November 2024 by Wf (talk | contribs) (modified by py-yprinciple-gen 0.3.4)
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Help for Leg

Flag-Icon.pngLegLegLegsA segment of a trip between two locations


A segment of a trip between two locations

Example Legs

10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 10492086, 4220975, 4220975, 4220975, 4220975, 4220975, Nancy2025-03, Nancy2025-03, Nancy2025-03, Nancy2025-03, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662, Osm/relation/14348662... further results


Leg fromStarting location of this legTypes/TextfromFrom Loc idtruefalse
Leg toEnding location of this legTypes/TexttoTo Loc idtruefalse
Leg transportMode of transport for this legTypes/TexttransportTransport Typebike,train,car,ferry,bus,planefalsefalse
Leg wp numSequence number of this leg in the tripTypes/Textwp_numWaypoint Numbertruefalse


see also