List of Properties
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icon | Topic | name | pluralName | documentation |
Property | Property | Properties | a Property is a Feature/Attribute of a Topic |
Property | name | label | type | index | sortPos | primaryKey | mandatory | namespace | size | uploadable | defaultValue | inputType | allowedValues | documentation | values_from | showInGrid | isLink | nullable | topic |
Action actionpage | actionpage | actionpage | Types/Page | 5 | false | false | false | Property:Action actionpage | What page will 'steer' this action? | true | false | Action | |||||||
Property allowedValues | allowedValues | allowedValues | Types/Text | 14 | false | false | 50 | false | There are two ways to specified allowed Values:
| false | Property | ||||||||
Action author | author | author | Types/Page | 8 | false | false | false | combobox | the author of this action | namespace=User | true | false | Action | ||||||
Topic cargo | cargo | use cargo | Types/Boolean | 11 | false | false | false | Should the Topic be stored using the Cargo Extension? | false | false | Topic | ||||||||
Loc category | category | category | Types/Text | 4 | false | false | false | category of the location | true | false | Loc | ||||||||
Action comment | comment | comment | Types/Text | 10 | false | false | 400 | false | textarea | a comment for the action | false | false | Action | ||||||
Tour comment | comment | comment | Types/Text | 11 | false | false | false | textarea | any comment for the tour point | true | false | Tour | |||||||
Topic context | context | context | Types/Page | dropdown | the context this topic belongs to | Context | true | Topic | |||||||||||
Tour coordinates | coordinates | coordinates | Types/Text | 5 | false | false | false | coordinates of the point | true | false | Tour | ||||||||
Context copyright | copyright | copyright | Types/Text | 4 | false | false | 80 | false | copyright of the context | false | Context | ||||||||
Tour date | date | date | Types/Date | 1 | false | false | false | datepicker | the date of the tour | true | false | Tour | |||||||
Property defaultValue | defaultValue | default | Types/Code | 12 | false | false | 80 | false | default value - Specifies a default value for this field. For date-related fields, default=now will set the value to the current date and possibly time. For text fields, default=current user will set the value to the username of the user adding this page. For the checkbox input type, default=yes will check the checkbox by default. (The 'checkboxes' input type, on the other hand, like the 'listbox' type, requires specifying the actual values, like default=Value A, Value C.) You can also include templates, parser functions, and magic words within the 'default=' value. see (default) | false | Property | ||||||||
Topic defaultstoremode | defaultstoremode | default storemode | Types/Text | 9 | false | false | 50 | false | radiobutton | none,property,subobject | The default storemode of the topic | false | Topic | ||||||
Context demo | demo | demo | Types/URL | 5 | false | false | false | demonstration ProfiWiki | true | false | Context | ||||||||
Tour distance | distance | distance | Types/Text | 10 | false | false | false | distance from previous tour point | true | false | Tour | ||||||||
Topic documentation | documentation | documentation | Types/Text | 7 | false | false | 50 | false | The plaintext documentation of a Topic. Please do not use markup for this. | false | Topic | ||||||||
Property documentation | documentation | documentation | Types/Text | 15 | false | false | 500 | false | textarea | The documentation for a property | false | Property | |||||||
SMW Type documentation | documentation | documentation | Types/Text | 2 | false | false | 50 | false | The documentation of this Semantic Media Wiki type | false | SMW Type | ||||||||
Fixme done | done | done | Types/Boolean | 1 | false | true | false | false | Has this been done? | false | false | Fixme | |||||||
Action engine | engine | engine | Types/Text | 7 | false | false | false | rythm | radiobutton | rythm,freemarker | the template engine to be used either Rythm or Freemarker | true | false | Action | |||||
Topic extends | extends | extends | Types/Text | 4 | false | this topic specializes the topic it extends (if any) | concept=Topic | false | Topic | ||||||||||
Property externalFormatterURI | externalFormatterURI | external formatter URI | Types/Text | 17 | false | false | 200 | false | see When using this property the type of the property should be set to automatically by the generator | false | Property | ||||||||
Loc from | from | From Loc id | Types/Text | 1 | false | true | false | Starting location of this leg | true | true | Loc | ||||||||
Leg from | from | From Loc id | Types/Text | 1 | false | true | Property | false | Starting location of this leg | true | false | Leg | |||||||
Topic headerTabs | headerTabs | headerTabs | Types/Boolean | 12 | false | false | false | shall the forms be generated with header tabs? | true | false | Topic | ||||||||
SMW Type helppage | helppage | helppage | Types/URL | 4 | false | false | 50 | false | The url of the 'official' documentation page of this type | false | SMW Type | ||||||||
Topic icon | icon | icon | Types/Page | 5 | false | false | File | 55 | true | an Icon for the topic | false | false | Topic | ||||||
Topic iconUrl | iconUrl | icon Url | Types/Code | 6 | false | false | 80 | false | text | the url of an icon | false | false | Topic | ||||||
SMW Type id | id | id | Types/Text | 3 | false | false | false | SMW internal id of the type | true | false | SMW Type | ||||||||
Loc id | id | id | Types/Text | 1 | true | true | Property | false | id of the location | true | false | Loc | |||||||
Property index | index | index | Types/Number | 5 | false | false | false | A positive number that specifies at which position of a Topic the given property should show. The first property to show has the index 1 each following property has an index that is +1 of the previous. | true | false | Property | ||||||||
Action input | input | input | Types/Code | 4 | false | false | 300 | false | textarea | the decription of the input e.g. a page name, url or SMW ask query | true | false | Action | ||||||
Property inputType | inputType | inputType | Types/Text | 13 | false | false | 50 | false | dropdown | text, combobox, dropdown, textarea, tree, datetime, datepicker, timepicker, datetimepicker, menuselect,two listboxes, datecheck, regexp, radiobutton, googlemaps | see
| false | Property | ||||||
Action inputtype | inputtype | inputtype | Types/Text | 3 | false | false | false | Page | radiobutton | Query,Page,URL | What is the type of the input? | true | false | Action | |||||
Topic isA | isA | isA | Types/Text | 3 | false | The metamodel kind of the topic | false | Topic | |||||||||||
Property isLink | isLink | isLink | Types/Boolean | 19 | false | false | false | true if this Property is derived form a Link. It will not be exported to SiDIF separately and automatically be added by the Property Generator | false | false | Property | ||||||||
SMW Type javaType | javaType | java Type | Types/Text | 6 | false | false | 50 | false | Java mapping of this type | false | SMW Type | ||||||||
Property label | label | label | Types/Text | 2 | false | false | 50 | false | The label to be shown when in a form | false | Property | ||||||||
Loc latlon | latlon | latlon | Types/Geographic coordinates | 2 | false | false | Property | false | latitude and longitude coordinates | true | false | Loc | |||||||
Topic listLimit | listLimit | list Limit | Types/Number | 10 | false | false | 4 | false | 200 | What is the default #ask list limit for this Topic? | true | false | Topic | ||||||
Tour location | location | location | Types/Text | 4 | false | false | false | the location of the tour | true | false | Tour | ||||||||
Property mandatory | mandatory | mandatory | Types/Boolean | 8 | false | false | 4 | false | Specifies that this field must be filled in by the user. Note: mandatory should not be used in conjunction with hidden. Use of both in any field will cause the mandatory check on any field to fail when the form is saved. see | false | Property | ||||||||
Context master | master | master | Types/URL | 6 | false | false | false | what is the original master source of this context | true | false | Context | ||||||||
TopicLink masterDetail | masterDetail | masterDetail | Types/Boolean | 11 | false | false | false | should the details be displayed in the same form and template?
If no
if yes
| false | TopicLink | |||||||||
Topic name | name | name | Types/Text | 1 | 1 | true | true | 80 | false | The name of the topic | false | Topic | |||||||
Property name | name | name | Types/Text | 1 | 1 | true | true | 50 | false | The name of the property | false | Property | |||||||
Context name | name | name | Types/Text | 1 | 1 | true | true | 80 | false | Name of the context | false | Context | |||||||
TopicLink name | name | name | Types/Text | 1 | false | false | 50 | false | The name of the topic link | false | TopicLink | ||||||||
Action name | name | name | Types/Text | 0 | true | true | false | The name of the Action | false | Action | |||||||||
Loc name | name | name | Types/Text | 3 | false | false | Property | false | name of the location | true | false | Loc | |||||||
... further results |