List of Properties

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Element into input.pngPropertyPropertyPropertiesa Property is a Feature/Attribute of a Topic


Action actionpageactionpageactionpageTypes/Page5falsefalsefalse
Property:Action actionpage
What page will 'steer' this action?trueAction
Property allowedValuesallowedValuesallowedValuesTypes/Text14falsefalse50falseThere are two ways to specified allowed Values:
    Use Property:Allows_value to see which values are allowed for certain properties
    values=possible values - Specifies a set of either possible values or autocompletion values (depending on the input type) that this field can have, overriding whatever set of values may have been set from the Semantic MediaWiki property. This set of values is separated by commas by default, but the delimiter can be modified using the delimiter= parameter.
If you specify any values method number 2 will be used here which might override any allowed Values specified with method number 1.
Action authorauthorauthorTypes/Page8falsefalsefalsecomboboxthe author of this action
Topic cargocargouse cargoTypes/Boolean11falsefalsefalseShould the Topic be stored using the Cargo Extension?falseTopic
Loc categorycategorycategoryTypes/Text4falsefalsefalsecategory of the locationtrueLoc
Action commentcommentcommentTypes/Text10falsefalse400falsetextareaa comment for the actionfalseAction
Tour commentcommentcommentTypes/Text11falsefalsefalsetextareaany comment for the tour pointtrueTour
Topic contextcontextcontextTypes/Pagedropdownthe context this topic belongs to
Tour coordinatescoordinatescoordinatesTypes/Text5falsefalsefalsecoordinates of the pointtrueTour
Context copyrightcopyrightcopyrightTypes/Text4falsefalse80falsecopyright of the contextContext
Tour datedatedateTypes/Date1falsefalsefalsedatepickerthe date of the tourtrueTour
Property defaultValuedefaultValuedefaultTypes/Code12falsefalse80falsedefault value - Specifies a default value for this field. For date-related fields, default=now will set the value to the current date and possibly time. For text fields, default=current user will set the value to the username of the user adding this page. For the checkbox input type, default=yes will check the checkbox by default. (The 'checkboxes' input type, on the other hand, like the 'listbox' type, requires specifying the actual values, like default=Value A, Value C.) You can also include templates, parser functions, and magic words within the 'default=' value. see (default)Property
Topic defaultstoremodedefaultstoremodedefault storemodeTypes/Text9falsefalse50falseradiobuttonnone,property,subobjectThe default storemode of the topicTopic
Context demodemodemoTypes/URL5falsefalsefalsedemonstration ProfiWikitrueContext
Tour distancedistancedistanceTypes/Text10falsefalsefalsedistance from previous tour pointtrueTour
Topic documentationdocumentationdocumentationTypes/Text7falsefalse50falseThe plaintext documentation of a Topic. Please do not use markup for this.Topic
Property documentationdocumentationdocumentationTypes/Text15falsefalse500falsetextareaThe documentation for a propertyProperty
SMW Type documentationdocumentationdocumentationTypes/Text2falsefalse50falseThe documentation of this Semantic Media Wiki typeSMW Type
Fixme donedonedoneTypes/Boolean1falsetruefalse
Has this been done?falseFixme
Action engineengineengineTypes/Text7falsefalsefalse
radiobuttonrythm,freemarkerthe template engine to be used either Rythm or FreemarkertrueAction
Topic extendsextendsextendsTypes/Text4falsethis topic specializes the topic it extends (if any)
Property externalFormatterURIexternalFormatterURIexternal formatter URITypes/Text17falsefalse200falsesee
When using this property the type of the property should be set to automatically by the generator
Loc fromfromFrom Loc idTypes/Text1falsetruefalseStarting location of this legtrueLoc
Leg fromfromFrom Loc idTypes/Text1falsetruePropertyfalseStarting location of this legtrueLeg
Topic headerTabsheaderTabsheaderTabsTypes/Boolean12falsefalsefalseshall the forms be generated with header tabs?trueTopic
SMW Type helppagehelppagehelppageTypes/URL4falsefalse50falseThe url of the 'official' documentation page of this typeSMW Type
Topic iconiconiconTypes/Page5falsefalseFile55truean Icon for the topicfalseTopic
Topic iconUrliconUrlicon UrlTypes/Code6falsefalse80falsetextthe url of an iconfalseTopic
SMW Type idididTypes/Text3falsefalsefalseSMW internal id of the typetrueSMW Type
Loc idididTypes/Text1truetruePropertyfalseid of the locationtrueLoc
Property indexindexindexTypes/Number5falsefalsefalseA positive number that specifies at which position of a Topic the given property should show. The first property to show has the index 1 each following property has an index that is +1 of the previous.trueProperty
Action inputinputinputTypes/Code4falsefalse300falsetextareathe decription of the input e.g. a page name, url or SMW ask querytrueAction
Property inputTypeinputTypeinputTypeTypes/Text13falsefalse50falsedropdowntext, combobox, dropdown, textarea, tree, datetime, datepicker, timepicker, datetimepicker, menuselect,two listboxes, datecheck, regexp, radiobutton, googlemapssee Property
Action inputtypeinputtypeinputtypeTypes/Text3falsefalsefalse
radiobuttonQuery,Page,URLWhat is the type of the input?trueAction
Topic isAisAisATypes/Text3falseThe metamodel kind of the topicTopic
Property isLinkisLinkisLinkTypes/Boolean19falsefalsefalsetrue if this Property is derived form a Link. It will not be exported to SiDIF separately and automatically be added by the Property GeneratorfalseProperty
SMW Type javaTypejavaTypejava TypeTypes/Text6falsefalse50falseJava mapping of this typeSMW Type
Property labellabellabelTypes/Text2falsefalse50falseThe label to be shown when in a formProperty
Loc latlonlatlonlatlonTypes/Geographic coordinates2falsefalsePropertyfalselatitude and longitude coordinatestrueLoc
Topic listLimitlistLimitlist LimitTypes/Number10falsefalse4false
What is the default #ask list limit for this Topic?trueTopic
Tour locationlocationlocationTypes/Text4falsefalsefalsethe location of the tourtrueTour
Property mandatorymandatorymandatoryTypes/Boolean8falsefalse4falseSpecifies that this field must be filled in by the user. Note: mandatory should not be used in conjunction with hidden. Use of both in any field will cause the mandatory check on any field to fail when the form is saved. see
Context mastermastermasterTypes/URL6falsefalsefalsewhat is the original master source of this contexttrueContext
TopicLink masterDetailmasterDetailmasterDetailTypes/Boolean11falsefalsefalseshould the details be displayed in the same form and template?

If no

  • for a 1:1 link there will be a linking attribute used and that can be selected.
  • for a 1:n link a link to the list of neighbours will be displayed

if yes

  • for a 1:1 link the details
  • for a 1:n link
Topic namenamenameTypes/Text11truetrue80falseThe name of the topicTopic
Property namenamenameTypes/Text11truetrue50falseThe name of the propertyProperty
Context namenamenameTypes/Text11truetrue80falseName of the contextContext
TopicLink namenamenameTypes/Text1falsefalse50falseThe name of the topic linkTopicLink
Action namenamenameTypes/Text0truetruefalseThe name of the ActionAction
Loc namenamenameTypes/Text3falsefalsePropertyfalsename of the locationtrueLoc
... further results
