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Property sizesizesizeTypes/Number9falsefalse3falsethe display size of the field for the propertyProperty
Property sortPossortPossortPosTypes/Number5falsefalse3false

If none empty >0 this is the position in the sort clause of this property. This is used when displaying list of the topic as the default sort order and it is used for selecting topics .

E.g. Sortpos 1 for attribute lastname and sortpos 2 for attribute firstname leads to sort by lastname,firstname

TopicLink sourcesourcesourceTypes/Page2falsetrue50falsedropdownthe source of a topic Link
TopicLink sourceDocumentationsourceDocumentationsource DocTypes/Text5falsefalse300falsetextareaDocumentation for the source RoleTopicLink
TopicLink sourceMultiplesourceMultiplesourceMultipleTypes/Boolean4falsefalse50falseTopicLink
TopicLink sourceRolesourceRolesourceRoleTypes/Text3falsefalse50falseTopicLink
Tour staystaystayTypes/Text8falsefalsefalseaccomodation/loding/pausetrueTour
TopicLink targettargettargetTypes/Page6falsefalse50falseTopicLink
Tour targettargettargetTypes/Page2falsefalsefalsethe target of the tourtrueTour
TopicLink targetDocumentationtargetDocumentationtarget DocTypes/Text9falsefalse300falsetextareaDocumentation for the target RoleTopicLink
TopicLink targetMultipletargetMultiplesourceMultipleTypes/Boolean8falsefalse50falseTopicLink
TopicLink targetRoletargetRoletargetRoleTypes/Text7falsefalse50falseTopicLink
Fixme todotodotodoTypes/Text2falsefalsefalseWhat needs to be done to get this fixed?falseFixme
Property topictopictopicTypes/Pagedropdown
Tour tracktracktrackTypes/Text7falsefalsefalsethe track to this tour pointtrueTour
Tour triptriptripTypes/Page6falsefalsefalsethe trip this point belongs totrueTour
Property typetypetypeTypes/Page3falsefalsefalse
dropdownThe type of a Property
SMW Type typetypetypeTypes/Text1truetrue50falseThe Semantic MediaWiki type without the prefix e.g. Text, Number, BooleanSMW Type
SMW Type typepagetypepagetypepageTypes/Page5falsefalse50falseThe Semantic Media Wiki Special page for this specific type e.g. Special:Types/Text, Special:Types/Boolean, Special:Types/Date, Special:Types/Number, Special:Types/PageSMW Type
Property uploadableuploadableuploadableTypes/Boolean10falsefalse4false

Specifies that a link should be placed next to this field, that opens a popup window to let the user upload a file; see 'Uploading files', below. See

The type of the target property needs to be Page for this to work

SMW Type usedByPropertiesusedByPropertiesusedByPropertiesTypes/Pagedropdownthe properties having this type
SMW Type
Property values fromvalues_fromvalues fromTypes/Code15falsefalse200falsetextarea

Specifies where to get the possible values to be displayed in a form from see

  • values from property=property name - Similar to values=, but gets its values from the the set of all values that a certain SMW property points to.
  • values from category=category name - Similar to values=, but gets its values from the names of all pages belonging to a specific category.
  • values from concept=concept name - Similar to values=, but gets its values from the names of all pages belonging to a specific concept.
  • values from namespace=namespace name - Similar to values=, but gets its values from the names of all pages belonging to a specific namespace. (To get values from the main namespace, use 'Main' for the namespace name, or just leave it blank.)
  • values from url=URL identifier - Used only for autocompletion. Specifies that autocompletion should be based on the values retrieved from an outside URL; see Autocompleting on outside values for how to do this.
  • values from external data=variable name - Used for autocompletion. You need to have theExternal Data extension installed to be able to use this parameter. It specifies that autocompletion should be based on the data retrieved from an outside source. A large number of data sources are supported, including web APIs, regular wiki pages, files on the local server, databases and LDAP directories. See Autocompletion using External Data.
Tour weatherweatherweatherTypes/Text3falsefalsefalsethe location to show the weather fortrueTour
Topic wikiDocumentationwikiDocumentationwikiDocumentationTypes/Text6falsefalse50falseDocumentation of the Topic using MediaWiki / Semantic Mediawiki markupTopic